Welcome to the FTMScan APIs documentation 🚀.
As a means to provide equitable access to blockchain data, we've developed the FTMScan Developer APIs to empower developers with direct access to FTMScan's block explorer data and services via GET/POST requests.
FTMScan's APIs are provided as a community service and without warranty, so please use what you need and no more.
Source attribution via a backlink or a mention that your app is "Powered by FTMScan APIs" is required except for personal/private usage.
API Endpoints
For that you may find a suitable endpoint from our wide range of APIs that you can simply query to provide data while you remain fully focused on building your applications.
FTMScan offers 2 types of API plans, a set of free community endpoints and API PRO which consists of additional derived blockchain data.
There is an overwhelming amount of data 📈 that can be extracted from the Fantom blockchain.
We've helped you take the first steps by writing some thorough tutorials on how to query and derive popular blockchain metrics.
For power users, we've also added guides such as how you can programmatically verify contracts through API calls and more advanced use cases of endpoints.
Support & FAQ
Our curated list of support articles and common questions you may have on topics such as rate limits 🚧 , common error messages ⛔ and API key usage across different networks 🌏.
If your issue is a unique one or you need more clarification, feel free to reach out to us via our support channels.
Last updated